Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kaelin's 6 month pics... and Nate too!

Okay...I know he's 7 months now...buut, as most of you know, I've had issues with my 'puter. I would try to edit pics and it would take longer than this impatient woman could handle and if I didn't get it done before 4, there was NO chance, because Justin is on the computer from the minute he gets home until late doing homework ( I can't wait until this Master's Degree business is finally over and I can have my hubby back)! So anyway, blah, blah, blah... rambling on and on and on......So Justin built us a new 'puter! YAY!!! Happiness! So here are my absolutely adorable kids! Aren't they just so stinkin' cute!!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

More Fish Lake pics

Pathway to the other side of the lake. It was really pretty there.

For some reason, blogger wouldn't let me add more pics to the previous post, so here are some more: Ash and Nate were intrigued by this huge lady bug.

Luke!!! How could you not love that face! He's such a choncho. I just want to squish those cheeks.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fish Lake ... July 2010

This year was the first of hopefully many yearly get-togethers with my fam. We decided to go to Fish Lake and had so much fun! It was so pretty and we stayed in these "rustic" cabins. It was a lot of fun. However, for those of you who think Fish Lake might be a good place to go fishing... there are no fish in Fish Lake! ;)